Thursday, July 24, 2014

OMNI, April 1980

Thomas Akawie

Don Dixon

First Word, by Frank Herbert
You should learn to use your own computer.  Before long, it will be at least a matter of self-defense to have your own computer and be able to use it.  You are already being taken advantage of by people who use computers.  Private information about your life...has been sold...  ...the storage of information in giant data banks is growing...  ...the very nature of this growth says that all controls will lag far behind computer developments.  Any attempt to ban them will only drive computers underground.  Get your own computer.  Learn how to use it.  If you don't do this, the Bill of Rights is dead...

Power Orbiter/Space, by G. Harry Stine
...get busy in the 1980s and work the engineering bugs out of Dr. Peter Glaser's Solar Power Satellite (SPS).  The concept calls for large solar collectors located 36,290 kilometers above the earth's equator, in geosynchronous orbit.  ...could generate up to ten gigawatts (10 billion watts) of electricity...  An SPS would be big - nearly 13 kilometers long by 5 kilometers wide.  The rectenna on the ground would cover 16 by 24 kilometers.  What remains is to check out critical items in space, using the shuttle... the year 2000, if we get the SPS system in gear, there could be at least 26 satellites...

Film/The Arts, by Jeff Rovin
The speaker is Robert Wise...  "...studios don't have a real concept of science-fiction.  ...while you will always have the problem of mass appeal, the studios will be looking more and more at the foreground, at the quality of the scripts, rather than at the dressing and at the background..."

Three Futures, by Robert Malone
Science fiction is still with us and is now contending with the newer force of newer-my-computer-to-thee futurists.  The searches of simple speculation will give way to new forms of thinking.  ...a more empirical approach to the future.  We will have to seek answers that mat confound our senses and mental conditioning, possibly even subvert the structure of our present minds.  We must allow that part of us enriched by take control.  ...we should  avoid projections of ourselves into "pure intelligence" or "bits of machinery."  As part of our self-realization, we will want to fill the sciences to a full rainbow rather than accept the discontinuities of today.  Technology will have to be approached extension of us.  Technology will be the means by which we make peace with the "natural" world.

Last Word/Future Books, by Cynthia Darnell
Garbage of the Gods: Swedish para-archeologist ...while looking at...Etruscan etchings...saw...figures...carrying objects that resembled the modern-day baggie, right down to its twister seal.  ...outer space transients used Earth as a garbage dump.  ...which explains why we have Los Angeles.  Fred Holds Forth:  Until he was nine years old...a neighbor recorded the child's voice...the tape was accidently played backwards.  ...the slurred voice of a higher life form...Fred...  Prodded by the promises of Oreos, the mystical Fred began making pronouncements...  ...the world ended on March  3, 1898, but they haven't finished the paper work yet...  Food Signs: inquiry into how the astrological sign of the food we eat can affect our weill-being.  The Quick-Loss Reincarnation Diet...  The Lost Continent of Idaho...  Curve Power:  ...straight lines and angles are inherently unnatural...

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