Thursday, November 27, 2014

OMNI, July 1980

painting by Ute Osterwald

toward the top: a profile of future independent spaceship designer Burt Rutan, and an excerpt of "new" Stephan King story Firestarter with art by Gottfried Helnwein

SCI ANXIETY  It's sweeping the country!  The more aware you are, the more severe the symptoms.  You sense it among your friends, your family, the people you work with.  Imagine...  One source you could depend on to make science and technology come alive for you.  That source would have to be intimately involved with science...  One That Dares to Do it All  ...SCIENCE 80.

Books/The Arts  by Robert Silverberg
One of the least likely success stories in science-fiction publishing is a small company that puts out its books in editions of a few hundred copies, doesn't bother distributing them to bookstores, and prefers to issue...novels long available in paperback.  As science fiction becomes more appealingly collectable...  Greg Press...belongs to...International Telegraph and Telephone Corporation...  "For an author to see his work transmuted  from temporary little paperback editions into...durable editions," says novelist Philip K. Dick, "is the dream of a lifetime. me the impression that what I have done amounts to more than a temporary bubble that one day will pop into oblivion."  ...most books printed in the twentieth century are not going to survive very far into the twenty-first.  Gregg tickles authors, librarians, and book buyers with elegant buckram bindings of uniform design...

Film/The Arts  by Jonathon Rosenbaum
Speculating on what movies of the future will be like...some notion of the changing needs of audiences.  ...most of the films we'll see with be wither in homes or at shopping malls.  ...the movie houses that traditionally cropped up near the centers of towns...are quickly becoming nostalgic emblems of another era.  Shopping malls, meanwhile, are sprouting virtually everywhere - mainly, it seems...away from these old centers.  Their overall rate of failure over the past 25 years is said to be less than 1 percent.  Almost half of the retail business  in the United States currently takes place in them.  "By weather out and keeping itself always in the present - if not in the future - a mall aspires to create timeless space,"...mall expert, William Severini...Kowinski argues.  "Removed from everything else and existing in a world of its own, a mall is also a placeless place."  If we stay at home and tape ourselves instead, then play our images back on giant screens, the overall ambiance might not be that different.  Both movies and malls today are all-inclusive entities that tend to impose a certain uniformity everywhere.  Before we know it, Big Mac may turn out to be Big Brother...

Children of Poseidon, by Kenneth Jon Rose even brighter future when sophisticated computer tracking and sampling systems will  transform the oceans into vast aquatic supermarkets, ready to be fished in the most efficient and environmentally sound way.

Interview/Arthur Kantrowitz
Omni:  Maybe...Marx was still able to see science as revolutionary, while many...associate it with governments, industry, and weapons.  Take the laser...  Most of the R and D on lasers now seems to have military overtones.

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