Sunday, December 27, 2015

OMN November 1980

(From the Jupiter encounters by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979, the images returned were the first which showed, as have subsequent visiting spacecraft, striking bands of clouds running around the planet.  Computer simulations were created with the assumption that Saturn would have the same.  It would be revealed that, in visible light, any bands were invisible.  It would take infrared light to reveal any bands.)

paintings by Gilbert Williams

cover art by Fred-Jurgen Rogner

OMNI is the magazine of the future that started a revolution in the way people view the incredible scientific and technological breakthroughs of the 1980s.  It's the bold, plain-language science magazine that has become...a platform for...more realistic policies toward science in general and space in particular.  ...a world of growing intellectual vitality, expanding drama, and infinite hope.

Saturn Encounter, by C. Kohlhase
When it's all over, just nine years from now, we're going to look back on Voyager as the greatest mission of planetary discovery in the history of the American space program.

I Sing the Body Electric, by K. McAuliffe
"Electricity will become as ubiquitous in medical practice as surgery or drugs; in many instances it will supplant them."

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