Sunday, March 6, 2016

OMNI December 1980

Space/Salut Redux, by James Oberg
     ...Soviet envision...a "space tug"...  A Soviet news item in 1978 described it...  " assembles the station in orbit.  It will undock...blocks of the [Soviet space] station and take them to other orbits."  One report from a Soviet news agency predicts...  " the Nineties, when there will be space stations with...a crew of up to 120."

UFO Update/Target Denmark, by H. Lebelson
     ...reports that now arrive weekly from Europe.  The future of ufology depends on the integration of all facets of investigation.

     OMNI is...a platform for those of us who believe our country must have more realistic policies toward science in general and space in particular.  OMNI will introduce your friend to a world of intellectual vitality, expanding drama, and infinite hope.
The New Space Program.  NASA's space shuttle will reopen the High Frontier, taking men and women into orbit for advances that will lead to solar-power satellites, lunar mining, and factories in space.
The U.N.'s Moon Treaty.  It could be disastrous for Western space operations.
TOWARD DISTANT SUNS to the problems of technology and lifestyle that will face the generations ...whose mission it is to settle space. construction; space workers and how they will be chosen, trained, and transported...and the future of interstellar colonization.

The Ten Best Games of the Year, by S. Morris
Space invaders are coming, and we don't mean Donner and Blitzen
     It was just two years ago that Simon...beeped its way into, and out of, every toy store in the country.  By December it was sold out almost everywhere.  Everyone wanted in on the act...  ...the companies bring out new games with new features...flashing lights, beeps and fanfares that can't bee turned off, voice synthesizers that talk to you...  Space Invaders is the most popular game ever to hit the arcade.  The Japanese government had to mint more 100-yen coins...  The object of the game is to save the earth by shooting weird-looking aliens out of the sky...  ...Chess Challenger beats all comers...  Press down on the piece you want to move, press it down again on the square you want to move it to, and it's done.  The machine indicates its move by flashing one light on the square with the desired piece, another on the empty square the piece is moving to.  The next major step will come when programs are developed to simulate the motions of a background medium...

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