Monday, September 4, 2017

OMNI July 1981

Space/"It Was Worth It", by B. Bova
     The pilgrims on the desert expanse...  By the tens of thousands they had come...  We screamed.  We laughed.  We shouted and hugged...  People wept.  Columbia is now back at Cape Canaveral...  Challenger...will be ready for flight next year.  How much do we want to accomplish with the shuttle?  We are in stay.  Spaceflight is on its way to becoming as routine as commercial air travel.

Fiction/The Palace at Midnight, by R. Silverberg
     ...reports about the Voodoo principality expanding out of New Orleans and the Sioux conquests in Wyoming and the Prohibition War now going on in what used to be Kentucky.  There was a bison herd again on the great Plains...close to a million head.  ...King Barnum & bailey III...governed in northern Florida...  ...the place that used to be the United States of was a thousand, thousand crazy, fractured entities

Fiction/Blind Spot, by J. Carr
     Many high-T worlds had low-T enclaves...with those who rejected the technology for religious or other reasons or...had been isolated and never developed it.  The mind rejected or disbelieved...

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